Research planning

GenTle provides user with possibility to plan her activities during genealogy research. Open Research dialog from menu or tool-bar. You can see tree view with two predefined nodes

GenTle organizes research tasks as objectives and activities. Research objective is a task to be done and consists of research activities. These are subgoals that all must be done to discharge research objective. This enables finer granularity of research planning.

If you open Projects node, you will see all projects present in depository. You can select any project item and press Add button. Research Objective dialog appears. You can give name and description to your objective here, as well as specify project to that this research objective belongs. This is the only way how to move already existing research item. Don't try drag and drop in tree view of Research dialog. This feature is no implemented yet. You can assign a priority and status to your research objective as well and sequence number (it will be used for sorting). Pressing Ok button will close the dialog and research objective will appear in specified project node. Icon displayed by left side of objective denotes its status.

To specify research activity, select objective for that you want to do it and press Add button. Research Activity dialog appears and you can specify some information to describe your activity. Among other things, you can specify researcher that is assigned to this activity (see Contact section to find out how to add Contact to researcher). Pressing Ok button will close the dialog and research activity will appear in objective node you have specified and in researcher node for the researcher you have specified in Contact combo-box on Research Activity dialog. In this way, you have possibility to find what have to be done for project, for objective and what activities are assigned to you. GenTle cares about data consistency so feel free to edit data from both nodes, Projects and Researchers.

Research planning is shared so you can plan your activities for all projects stored in depository.

NoteUpcoming changes

Research dialog consists of one tab called Tasks. Maybe you wonder why -- the answer is simple. I plan to add Calendar tab in the future so you can have a better idea how your activities are scheduled.